Random Quote

Thank you, Ald'ruhn is where the bigwigs of the House Redoran live. Their council chambers are in the giant crab shell, but don't go in there, it stinks like rotten crab meat. Somewhere up north is Maar Gan and Gnisis. To the south is that city called... Umm... Bal... Bal... mora! Balmora, there we go.

Baradras, Ald'ruhn

LGNPC Tel Uvirith Walkthrough

Hovering the mouse over the blank area below each quest name will reveal details to aid the completion of the quest.

Select quest from the alphabetical list or browse the page's contents. Extended services and events are included at the bottom of this page.

Tel Uvirith: Blighted Mushrooms
Tel Uvirith: Daedric Cultists
Tel Uvirith: Fitness to Govern
Tel Uvirith: Frathen Drothan
Tel Uvirith: Revenge of the Hlaalu
Tel Uvirith: Steward of Tel Uvirith
Tel Uvirith: A Troubled Soul
Tel Uvirith versus the Ashlanders

House Telvanni Quests

These quests are available to Telvanni players only.

The stronghold construction forewoman, Gashnakh gra-Mughol, foretells of many of the upcoming events. The player's journal is updated, but the quest is left closed until the normal course of events triggers the quest. Different dialog topics introduce different quests:

Topic: House Telvanni -> Quest: Tel Uvirith: Frathen Drothan
Topic: latest rumors -> Quest: Tel Uvirith versus the Ashlanders
Topic: little advice -> Quest: Tel Uvirith: Daedric Cultists
Topic: little secret -> Quest: Tel Uvirith: Getting Physical
Topic: Morrowind lore -> Quest: Tel Uvirith: Blighted Mushrooms
Topic: my trade -> Quest: Tel Uvirith: Revenge of the Hlaalu
Topic: slavery -> Quest: Tel Uvirith: A Household Slave
Topic: Tel Uvirith -> Quest: Tel Uvirith: Second-in-Command

*Tel Uvirith: Steward of Tel Uvirith

Introduced through greeting with Farena Arelas. Advanced through the topic 'Steward of Tel Uvirith'. The player must speak with all four candidates (Farena Arelas, Hlendrisa Seleth, Tunila Omavel and Gorven Menas) before the option of appointing a steward will be offered.

*Tel Uvirith versus the Ashlanders

Quest offered by Farena Arelas. Not available until the player chooses a steward (completes the quest Tel Uvirith: Second-in-Command. Initiated through greetings from Tel Uvirith retainers. Advanced through the topic 'Ashlanders'. Speak with Ulath-Pal on the topic 'Tel Uvirith'. There are multiple pathways to completion depending on disposition and whether player is Nerevarine.

*Tel Uvirith: Frathen Drothan

May be broken by other mods that alter the interior of the cell Tel Uvirith, Tower Lower.

Quest offered by Edd Theman (Fast Eddie). Not available until the player has recruited Edd Theman as Mouth and the stronghold is at least completed through stage 2. Telani Adrethi will appear in the entry hall of Tel Uvirith and deliver his message. The quest closes after speaking with Frathen Drothan's emissary, but one more journal entry will be added later.

*Tel Uvirith: Blighted Mushrooms

Quest offered by Tunila Omavel. Not available until the player has completed the quest Tel Uvirith versus the Ashlanders and both Divayth Fyr and Yakin Bael live. Initiated through greetings from Tel Uvirith retainers and Tpring. Advanced through the topic 'blighted mushrooms'. The source of the contagion is the cavern of Zenarbael. The blight poison is found on the body of the Dreamer Priest and must be delivered to Tunila Omavel.

*Tel Uvirith: Daedric Cultists

May be broken by other mods that alter the interior of the cell Tel Uvirith, Tower Lower.

Quest offered by Gorven Menas. Not available until the player has completed the quest Tel Uvirith versus the Ashlanders. Initiated through greetings from visitors to Tel Uvirith (entry, lower tower) - either an Ashlander scout or a Telvanni patrol depending upon how matters were settled with the Erabenimsun tribe. Advanced through the topic 'inscribed slave bracer' if player presents Gorven Menas with the bracer found by patrol. Later the quest will be advanced through the topic 'Garalo Andalas'. She is found in the Daedric ruin of Tusenend southeast of the Erabenimsun camp.

*Tel Uvirith: Fitness to Govern

Quest offered by Edd Theman (Fast Eddie). Not available until the player has completed the quest Tel Uvirith: Blighted Mushrooms and player has recruited Edd Theman as Mouth. An alternate start is available if either Divayth Fyr or Yakin Bael is dead by the completion of the quest Tel Uvirith: Daedric Cultists. The quest is advanced through the topic 'valid challenge'. The player has 14 days to face Frathen Drothan in the Arena or lose Tel Uvirith. If the player fails to respond to the challenge, Frathen Drothan will appear in Tel Uvirith (lower tower bedroom). At any time the player defeats the rival his/her status as lord/lady of Tel Uvirith will be restored.

*Tel Uvirith: Revenge of the Hlaalu

May be broken by other mods that alter the interior of the cell Tel Uvirith, Tower Lower.

Quest offered by Edd Theman (Fast Eddie). Not available until the player has completed the official quest House Telvanni: Kill Raynasa Rethan and player has recruited Edd Theman as Mouth. An alternate start is available if Fast Eddie has not been recruited. Farena Arelas may offer the quest after Tel Uvirith: Blighted Mushrooms has been initiated. Watch your back when in the lower tower. Present Gorven Menas the used potion of recall in order to close the quest.

*Tel Uvirith: A Troubled Soul

Quest initiated by Edd Theman's (Fast Eddie's) suggestion to visit Garalo Andalas staying at Fast Eddie's house in Balmora. Not available until the player has completed the quest Tel Uvirith: Daedric Cultists and Tel Uvirith: Fitness to Govern providing Garalo Andalas survived the former, and also the official quest Corprus Cure. After a one-sided conversation with Garalo Andalas seek a healer in the Balmora Temple. Speak on the topic 'Garalo Andalas'. After receiving the healer's diagnosis, engage an enchanter or necromancer on the topic 'black soul gem'. Sharn gra-Muzgob of the Balmora Guild of Mages will help if the player has discovered her dirty little secret. Speak with Hlendrisa Seleth on the topic 'black soul gem' to advance the quest. In Tel Branora, speak on the topic 'Formesa Tharys'. Either Darvasa Vedas or Mollimo of Cloudrest can direct the player to Ervyna Hlervu (her house is by the docks). Engage Ervyna Hlervu on the topic 'sister's killer' (small world) to advance quest to a dead end. Return to Hlendrisa Seleth to learn about a 'Dwemer soul box, and travel to Mzanchend (northwest of Tel Uvirith) to recover one from an advanced stream centurion. Give Dwemer soul box to Hlendrisa Seleth and allow time for her to prime it. Take the primed soul box to Tel Branora when you speak with Ervyna Hlervu. Unless your disposition is very low and lack any tact, Ervyna Hlervu will give the location of her family tomb. Hlervu Ancestral Tomb is located east of Nchurdamz. The black soul gem sought is on a kneeling bench before the shrine. Speak with Hlendrisa Seleth to close quest. Follow-up journal entries result from speaking with Ervyna Hlervu and Garalo Andalas.

Extended Services

These are additional services provided by the retainers of Tel Uvirith.

*Tel Uvirith: A Household Slave

Service offered by Tpring. Introduced by Llunala Hleran through the topic 'household slave' during the second stage of stronghold construction. Alternate start is through Tunila Omavel on the same topic. Tunilal Omavel is the person to speak with about acquiring a replacement key.

*Tel Uvirith: Getting Physical

Service offered by Gorven Menas. Speak with her on the topic 'get physical' introduced through greeting or the topics 'background' and 'Garalo Andalas'. Gorven Menas offers her services after the player rescues Garalo Andalas (and is at least a Master in House Telvanni), and again after the player has ascended to Magister and Archmagister. Refusing once will prevent future offers, except upon defeating Dagoth Ur. Drink plenty of fluids.

*Books about the Daedra

Service offered by Gorven Menas. Speak with her on the topic of various Daedra Princes and after a short history of them she may offer the player a book on the particular Daedra. Most of the books are not currently available since they were written for Oblivion. At some time in the future original books may be written and become available to the player.

*Telepathic Communication with Mouth

May be broken by other mods that alter the interior of the cell Tel Uvirith, Tower Lower.

Not available until the player has recruited Edd Theman (Fast Eddie) as Mouth. Disabled if player is not longer lord of Tel Uvirith or if Edd Theman is away from Sadrith Mora, Telvanni Council House on a quest for the player (or dead). Activate crystal in the study of the upper tower to speak with Mouth.


These are events that occur in the wake of the player's actions, but otherwise do not require the player actively pursuing a quest.

*Updated Brown Book

Offered by Steward of Tel Uvirith. Not available until the player has attained the rank of Archmagister of House Telvanni and has received official version of Brown Book. Initiated through greetings with Tel Uvirith retainers and mouth Edd Theman.

*A Letter from the Emperor

Offered by Duke Vedam Dren. Not available until the player has attained the rank of Archmagister of House Telvanni (and if the Duke lives). Initiated through greetings with Tel Uvirith retainers and mouth Edd Theman.

*An Imperial Patent of Nobility

Offered by Duke Vedam Dren. Not available until the player has defeated Dagoth Ur (and if the Duke lives). Initiated through greetings with Tel Uvirith retainers and mouth Edd Theman. Speak with savants on the topic 'Knight of Tel Uvirith' to learn more about the title.