Random Quote

In years past many have claimed to be the Nerevarine, the Dunmer hero who shall drive the outlanders from Morrowind. And all false, of course. The true Nerevarine will come from the mages guild, and he will buy potions from my shop.

Anarenen, Ald'ruhn

LGNPC Secret Masters Walkthrough

Hovering the mouse over the blank area below each quest name will reveal details to aid the completion of the quest.

Select quest from the alphabetical list or browse the page's contents. Extended services and events are included at the bottom of this page.

An Annoying and Lost Pilgrim
Breathing Water
Comfort for a Corprus Victim
A Craving for Some Muffins
A Deal Sweeter Than Sugar
A Duel of Insult or Honor?
The Elixir of Life
Fighters Guild: Silence Geor the Bard
Foul Play in the Arena
Framing the Tong
Gray Cloak of the Psijic Order
Hewing Elves for a Elf-Hewer
Kaushtababi Camp: A Blighted Egg Mine
Kaushtababi Camp: Founding an Ancestor Cult
Kaushtababi Camp: A Healing Wife
Kaushtababi Camp: The Madness of Zaintiraris
Kill a Traitor to Erabenimsun Tribe
The Last of the Omothan Clan?
Leads from Aerin
A Lost Buoyant Armiger
Mages Guild: Silence Geor the Bard
A New Tribe of Ashlanders
A Perfect Cad
A Rare Vintage
Rescue a Secret Love
Thieves Guild: Silence Geor the Bard
A Tribute to Pop Je
A Wayward Student and Hainin's Wake


*An Annoying and Lost Pilgrim

Quest offered by Mertis Falandas (located behind a locked door in the lower level of the Tower of Dusk in Ghostgate). Not available until after the player has completed the official quest Viatrix, The Annoying Pilgrim. Speak with him on the topic 'lost pilgrim' (linked through his greeting). Destroy the lame corprus beast loitering near the Shrine of Pride inside the Ghostfence and search the corpse for evidence of Viatrix Petilia. Deliver the sad news to Mertis Falandas to close the quest.

*Breathing Water

Quest offered by Seryne Relas (located in Seryne Relas' House in Tel Branora). Speak with her on the topic 'Breathing Water' (linked through the topic 'background'). Show her a copy of the book Breathing Water to close the quest and receive her reward.

*Comfort for a Corprus Victim

Quest offered by Cinia Urtius (located on a longboat moored at Tel Fyr). Not available if Vistha-Kai has been killed. Speak with her on the topic 'corprus disease' (linked through the topic 'background' and several other topics). The quest is advanced through the topic 'warm shirt'. Deliver the warm shirt to the Corprusarium Warden Vistha-Kai, and then return to Cinia Urtius to close the quest.

*A Craving for Some Muffins

Quest offered by Leles Birian (located in the Ascadian Isles near Piernette's Farmhouse). Speak with her on the topic 'some muffins' (linked through the topic 'specific place'). Publicans will direct the player to visit an Imperial settlement where this western delicacy is likely found. Eventually the name Dinara Othrelas will be offered. Speak with the Ald Skar Inn publican in Ald'ruhn to learn she works in Llethri Manor. Find Dinara Othrelas near the entrance to the manor. Deliver to her the necessary ingredients and the muffins will be available the next day. Delay a second day and they will have been eaten. A second batch can be commissioned if the ingredients are provided again. Deliver the muffins to Leles Birian to close the quest. Do not eat all of the muffins - there are no more to be had.

*A Deal Sweeter Than Sugar

Quest offered by Todwendy (located at the Lucky Lockup in Balmora). Requires a high disposition and available only after completing the official quest Larrius Varro Tells a Little Story. Speak with her on the topic 'sweet deal' (linked through her greeting). The quest is not offered except during the night. If declined the quest will not be offered a second time. Evad Llauden is located outside the north wall of Balmora near the Odai River. Constant must be made before sunrise. There is no scenario that results in success. Return to Todwendy to close the quest.

*A Duel of Insult or Honor?

Quest offered by Ulms Drathen (located in the Buoyant Armiger's Stronghold in Molag Mar). Speak with him on the topic 'Cyrus' (linked through his greeting). Cyrus the Redquard can be found in the west end of the Molag Mar Canalworks. It is also possible to trigger this quest by speaking with Cyrus on the topic 'duel' before Ulms Drathen is encountered. In either case, the quest is advanced through the topic 'duel' when speaking with Cyrus and through the topic 'Cyrus' when speaking with Ulms Drathen. After delivering the nature of Cyrus's challenge to Ulms Drathen, the duel will be completed after a couple days. Speak with either or both Ulms Drathen and Cyrus to close the quest.

*The Elixir of Life

Quest offered by Abelle Chriditte (located in the Propylon Chamber at Valenvaryon. Introduced through the topic 'Elixir of Life' (linked through the topic 'Morrowind lore') and advanced through the topic 'meteor slime'. Alchemists and apothecaries will refer the player to Khajiit and eventually the latter will direct the player to Jobasha in the Foreign Quarter of Vivec. The meteor slime can be won through barter with Jobasha or harvested directly from his plant. Return the meteor slime to Abelle Chriditte to receive potion and close quest.

*Foul Play in the Arena

Quest offered by Seanwen (located in the Arena Fighters Training in Vivec). The stage is set through rumors in Vivec as well as an introduction by Senyndie (located in Arena Fighters Quarters in Vivec). Speak with Seanwen on the topic 'poisoned gladiator' (linked through his greeting). Next, speak with Gorgo gro-Shura in the Arena Holding Cells. Speak with others before an after for a more detailed experience. Speak with an Ordinator (optional) and then Seanwen again. He will advise the player to interview others in the Arena Waistworks. Speak with all. To take the quest to the next level Caracalla Sosia must be located. Follow the lead that directs the player to the Arena Underworks. A dreamer offers an additional clue. The body of the Battle Master is located against a grating in the water - the canal that leads from the south wing of the Underworks toward the center of the complex. Speak with Seanwen (optional) but only Senyndie will advance the quest from here (topic: 'Battle Master'). Locate Nevos Rethal at the southeast corner of the Arena exterior (upper level). Take the Betting Ledger Remnant from his body and speak with Senyndie (optional) and then Seanwen to close the quest and claim his reward.

*Framing the Tong

Quest offered by Wadarkhu (located at the Druegh-Jigger's Rest in Gnaar Mok). Requires a high disposition and available only Thieve Guild members or after completing the official quest Larrius Varro Tells a Little Story. Speak with him on the topic 'little delivery' (linked through his greeting). If the player waits too long or leaves the area the quest will fail. Avoid contact with the smuggler on board the boat and approach from his blind side. Levitation couple with invisibility is handy, but there is a ladder on the far side of the boat for non-magical access to the deck. Place the items in the chest (journal should be updated) and return to Wadarkhu to close the quest. Leaving the area and allowing for a few days passage of time sets the stage for the quest's epilogue.

*An Annoying and Lost Pilgrim

Quest offered by Ardarume (located in the west wing of the Gateway Inn in Sadrith Mora). Not available if both Divayth Fyr and Qorwynn have been killed. Speak with her on the topic 'gray cloak' (linked through her greeting). The quest is advanced through the topic 'coded missive. Deliver the message, and return to Sadrith Mora to speak with Adrarume to close the quest. Indoranyon is difficult to navigate - levitation may be helpful in a few places.

*Hewing Elves for a Elf-Hewer

Quest offered by Alfhedil Elf-Hewer (located in the upper level of Falensarano). Speak with him on the topic 'Elves' (linked through his initial greeting and just about every other topic thereafter - Alfhedil Elf-Hewer is a Nord with a strong sense of purpose). The quest is advanced through the topic 'those elves'. Kill them and return to speak with Alfhedil Elf-Hewer, but not before - otherwise you might lose the opportunity. Also, be careful not to kill his 'girlfriend' Ardhil.

*A New Tribe of Ashlanders

Quest may be initiated a few different ways. Unless the player stumbles upon the Ashlander camp south of Molag Mar) it is most likely the player will learn about this quest via 'latest rumors' in Molag Mar or by speaking with Tharer Rotheloth (in Molag Mar Temple) directly. Therefore the quest is offered by either Tharer Rotheloth or Adibael Hainnabibi (located in the Adibael's Yurt in the Kaushtababi Camp). Speak to either on the topic 'new tribe' (linked through the topic 'background'). The Kaushtababi Camp is almost due south of Molag Mar on the opposite side of the mountains.

Before the player addresses Adibael Hainnabibi, the wise woman Ibanammu Assutladainab must be satisfied. The player's answers to her questions are irrelevant - the prophesy will be fulfilled. After speaking with Adibael Hainnabibi deliver his assurances to Tharer Rotheloth. The latter is skeptical and will propose a way of proving the Ashlander's peaceful intentions. Adibael Hainnabibi will recommend the player speak with Aivilo (found in Addut-Lamanu's Yurt in the Erabenimsun Camp). The player can steal, buy or kill Ashu-Ahhe to recover the Temple Holy Book. Return the book to Tharer Rotheloth and then speak with Adibael Hainnabibi to close the quest.

This quest opens the door to four other Kaushtababi quests that may be performed in any order and simultaneously. Once all four have been completed, speak with Adibael Hainnabibi to receive his thanks and reward.

*Kaushtababi Camp: A Blighted Egg Mine

Quest offered by Kanit Niladon. This quest is not available until A New Tribe of Ashlanders has been completed. Speak with him on the topic 'new tribe' (linked through his greeting). Before traveling to Eretammus Sennammu Egg Mine (located south of Kaushtababi Camp), acquire a spell or scroll (such as Scroll of Daerir's Blessing) to cure blight disease in another. Dispatch any blighted creatures and cure the queen, before returning to Kanit Niladon to close the quest. Speaking with Zaba (in the newly constructed Kanit and Zaba's Yurt) will initiate mining activity and move Zaba to oversee the mining operation. Visit Eretammus Sennammu Egg Mine again to observe the changes the player help bring about.

*Founding an Ancestor Cult

Quest offered by Ibanammu Assutladainab. This quest is not available until A New Tribe of Ashlanders has been completed. Speak with her on the topic 'new tribe' (linked through her greeting). The artifacts are located in an urn in Mal's Yurt of the Sobitbael Camp (on the coast mostly north and a bit east of the Erabenimsun Camp). Return all three artifacts to Ibanammu Assutladainab to close the quest.

*A Healing Wife

Quest offered by Yanit Sehabani. This quest is not available until A New Tribe of Ashlanders has been completed. Speak with him on the topic 'new tribe' (linked through his greeting). Yanit Sehabani will direct the player to the Erabenimsun Camp to speak with the apprentice healer Aivilo. She will refer the player to her brother-in-law Karpal who decides the terms under which Aivilo may marry. Either pay the dowry or challenge Karpal to meet Aivilo's 'rich bride's price' - the topic that advances the quest. Speak with Aivilo after the business has been settled and return to Kaushtababi Camp. A new yurt (Yanit and Aivilo's Yurt) will be erected and in a day's time, Aivilo herself will appear therein. Speak with Yanit Sehabani to close the quest.

*Kaushtababi Camp: The Madness of Zaintiraris

Quest offered by Assurdan Serdimapal (located in Adibael's Yurt). This quest is not available until A New Tribe of Ashlanders has been completed. Speak with him on the topic 'new tribe' (linked through her greeting). Kill the four Daedric worshipers within Zaintiraris (located just southwest of Kaushtababi Camp) and return to speak with Assurdan Serdimapal to close the quest.

*Kill a Traitor to the Erabenimsun Tribe

Quest offered by Ulath-Pal (located in the Ashkhan's Yurt in the Erabenimsun Camp). Speak with him on the topic 'Adibael Hainnabibi'. This quest represents an alternate path for the quest A New Tribe of Ashlanders thereby depending on it to introduce the topic. Adibael Hainnabibi is located in Adibael's Yurt in the Kaushtababi Camp. The Kaushtababi Camp is almost due south of Molag Mar on the opposite side of the mountains. Kill Adibael Hainnabibi and then speak with Karpal to close the quest - no reward is forthcoming.

*The Last of the Omothan Clan?

Quest offered by Taren Omothan (located in Holamayan Monastery). Speak with him on the topic 'Omothan' (linked through his greeting). Travel to Suran to pick up any clues about the family. Locals will direct the player to speak with Elynu Saren at the Suran Temple (if living). Elynu Saren will suggest inquiring at Ald'ruhn about a Redoran Omothan. In Ald'ruhn the player will be directed to speak with Neminda (located in the Redoran Council Entrance). Neminda reports that the Orero Omothan is the Redoran smith in Ald Velothi. Speak with Orero Omothan and deliver her letter to Taren Omothan to close the quest.

*Leads from Aerin

Quest offered by Aerin (located in Andus Tradehouse in Maar Gan). Speak with her on the topic 'leads' (linked through the topic 'my trade' when her disposition toward the player is very high). There are three leads, each available after the completion of the previous quest after a few days delay (and a cell change). Dandera Selaro's Dwemer halberd is located behind her bed. The lost ebony shortsword is located just beyond the grating in the southwest end of the Arena Underworks. The glass armor is located in Andas Ancestral Tomb north of the Erabenimsun camp near the coast at the end of a box canyon. Speak with Aerin after the completion of each quest to close it.

And no, Aerin does not offer a joint quest in the future - sorry to have to shatter the illusion.

*A Lost Buoyant Armiger

Quest offered by Missun Akin (located in Missun Akin's Hut at Falasmaryon). Speak with him on the topic 'Falasmaryon Stronghold' (linked through the topic 'my trade'). The quest is advanced through the topic 'Irer Nervion'. Irer Nervion's body is located in a side room on the lower level of Falasmaryon. Show the Nervion Ancestor ring to Missun Akin to receive his reward. Return the ring to Faral Retheran (if also performing the related Redoran quest) or Birer Indaram otherwise to complete the quest.

*A Perfect Cad

Quest offered by Hecerinde. Available only to Thieves Guild members or after completing the official quest Larrius Varro Tells a Little Story. Not available if either Nalcarya of White Haven or Tyermaillin has been killed. Speak to him on the topic 'cad' (linked through the his greeting if he has already met the player). Speak with Tyermaillin and then Narcarya of White Haven. There are two different paths to resolve the quest. Speak with Hecerinde again to close the quest.

*A Rare Vintage

Quest offered by Ernse Llervu (located in the Abbey of St. Delyn the Wise in Vivec). Speak with her on the topic 'Dagoth brandy' (linked through the topics 'Dunmer' and 'specific place'). Bring Ernse Llervu a bottle of Dagoth brandy to close the quest and claim her reward.

*Rescue a Secret Love

Quest offered by Ri'Shajiir (located in Shenk's Shovel in Caldera). Not available to Redoran players until the official quest House Redoran: Shut Down the Mines has been started. Speak with him on the topic 'Dahleena' (linked through the topic 'Morrowind lore'). The Caldera Slave Key is located at the topic of the Caldera Mine Guard Tower. After freeing Dahleena, speak with Ri'Shajiir to close the quest. Redoran players who have already completed the official Redoran quest man still speak with Ri'Shajiir to claim his reward.

*A Tribute to Pop Je

Quest offered by Khargol gro-Boguk (located in the Vacant Tower near Dagon Fel). Speak to him on the topic 'Pop Je' (linked through his greeting and a few other topics). Recover Pop Je's amulet from his corpse and return it to Khargol gro-Boguk to receive his reward and close the quest. This quest can be triggered by visiting Senim Ancestral Tomb before encountering Khargol gro-Boguk. Deliver the amulet to him to complete the quest.

*A Wayward Student and Hainin's Wake

Quest offered by Methal Seran (located in the Ald'ruhn Temple). Speak with him on the topic 'Badama Andarys' (linked through the topic 'conjuration' introduced through the topic 'my trade'). Ibar-Dad is located east of Urshilaku Camp just beyond the Ashurnabitashpi Shrine. There is nothing to be done but to kill Badama Andarys and Elante, and report their deaths to Methal Seran.

*Fighters Guild: Silence Geor the Bard

Available to Fighters Guild members only.

Quest offered by Lorbumol gro-Aglakh (located in Vivec Guild of Fighters). Not available until after the player has completed the official quest Fighters Guild: Lirielle's Debt. Speak with him on the topic 'Geor' (linked through the topic 'orders'). As with many Fighters Guild quest, the player's mentor Percius Mercius has something to say on the matter. Ask around Molag Mar to learn that Geor Matreinace is staying in St' Veloth's Hostel. Speak with him on the topic 'silence me' to advance the quest. Either kill Geor Matreinace and return to Lorbumol gro-Aglakh, or go to Gnaar Mok to investigate his claim that the bounty is bogus. In Gnaar Mok, speak with Anas Ulven on the topic 'Geor' to advance the quest. Threaten him with Imperial interference or death. Either way, return to Vivec to speak with Lorbumol gro-Aglakh to close the quest.

*Mages Guild: Silence Geor the Bard

Available to Mages Guild members only.

Quest offered by Trebonius Artorius (located in Vivec Guild of Mages). Not available until after the player has started the official quest Mages Guild: Mystery of the Dwarves. Speak with him on the topic 'Geor' (linked through the topic 'duties'). Ask around Molag Mar to learn that Geor Matreinace is staying in St' Veloth's Hostel. 'Read' the scroll that the Arch-Mage provided and the quest is complete. After a couple of weeks the player can return to Molag Mar to get Geor Matreinace's comments on the proceedings.

*Thieves Guild: Silence Geor the Bard

Available to Thieves Guild members only.

Quest offered by Big Helende (located in Dirty Muriel's Cornerclub in Sadrith Mora). Not available until after the player has completed the official quest Thieves Guild: Felen's Ebony Staff. Speak with her on the topic 'Geor' (linked through the topic 'job'). Ask around Molag Mar to learn that Geor Matreinace is staying in St' Veloth's Hostel. Obtain Geor's joke book by stealth or violence, and deliver it to Big Helende to close the quest.

Extended Services

These are additional services provided by the named master trainer.

*Sirollus Saccus

Available to Imperial Legion members only.

Besides training (finally) Sirollus Saccus offers armor upgrades to members of the Imperial Legion. Speak with him on the topic 'armor upgrading' (linked through greeting when the player is at least Agent rank in the Legion). At that rank, the player can commission upgrades to 'mastercrafted' for Imperial chain armor, Imperial Legion armor and Templar armor. At the rank Knight Errant, Sirollus Saccus will offer adamantium chain armor for sale and upgrades to 'Ebonite' in two styles. The new armor is available twenty-five hours after the order is commissioned.


These are events that occur in the wake of the player's actions, but otherwise do not require the player actively pursuing a quest.

*Respecting Medrunes Dagon's Gift

Offered by Erundil and Qorwynn (located in Indorayon). Requires that the player have in possession the artifact of power Medrunes' Razor. Their greeting will acknowledge the player's achievement.