Random Quote

You Redoran are very smart to do this. Ri'shajirr will not tell secrets, but he will say the Hlaalu feel they have lost prestige and that their position in Caldera is weakened.

Ri'shajirr, PAX Redoran

LGNPC Pax Redoran Walkthrough

Hovering the mouse over the blank area below each quest name will reveal details to aid the completion of the quest.

Select quest from the alphabetical list or browse the page's contents. Events are included at the bottom of this page.

A Bad Bet
Banning Ash Statues in Vvardenfell
A Blood Price
The Boy Who would be Undead
A Combat Arena in Molag Mar
Controlling the Ordinators
Corprus in Silt Striders
A Counterattack in Marandus
The Cult of Lord Irarak
A Cult of Lost Souls
The Empire: Banning Ash Statues
The Faithless Lover
The Family that Smuggles Together...
Freeing Tovas Verelnim's Slaves
Help From Her Husband's Slayer
Hlaalu Hortator: Ashlander Ebony
Hlaalu Hortator: Bero Support
Hlaalu Hortator: Velanda Omani Support
Hlaalu Hortator: Nevena Ules Support
Hlaalu Hortator: Exterminator
House Hlaalu: Banning Ash Statues
House Redoran: Anumidium Plans
House Redoran: An Archmaster's Justice
House Redoran: Banning Ash Statues
House Redoran: The Belt of the Archmaster
House Redoran: A Challenge from the Imperial Legion
House Redoran: Cleansing a Blighted Eggmine
House Redoran: A Contest of Honor
House Redoran: Delivering a Letter to Athyn Sarethi
House Redoran: Ebony Trade
House Redoran: A False Incarnate in Marandus
House Redoran: Felsen Sethandus
House Redoran: Growing a Healthy Queen
House Redoran: A Lost Sister
House Redoran: Mages Guild Monopoly
House Redoran: Making Amends
House Redoran: A Missing Courier
House Redoran: Rebels in Marandus
House Redoran: Redoran Justice for a Traitor
House Redoran: Rescuing an Imperial Knight
House Redoran: Telvanni 'Pilgrims'
House Telvanni: Banning Ash Statues
The Kidnapping of Ilmeni Dren
A Little Sister's Worry
A Morag Tong Writ on Me
My Brother's Keeper
Proving Myself in Marandus
Redoran Council Business: Athyn Sarethi
Supplies for Marandus
Telvanni Hortator: Odirniran
The Temple: Banning Ash Statues
A Trade Route to Marandus
A Weak Son to a Strong Father


These quests are available to all players.

*A Combat Arena in Molag Mar

Quest offered by Tovas Verelnim (located in the Molag Mar Waistworks). This quest is not available until the player is at least sixth level. Speak with him on the topic 'combat arena' (introduced through greetings with other NPCs in Molag Mar). The player may take one of three paths each with their own resolution. Kill Geel, aid Geel's escape or refuse to become involved. Redoran players can have a richer experience, but still face these same basic paths. Additionally, as Archmaster of House Redoran, the player can support or suspend the arena construction. The escaped Argonian slave Geel is located in Chil'a Grotto south-southeast of Molag Mar and Hlaalu Ancestral Tomb (the three locations almost collinear). The first path will mean that Tovas Verelnim will offer his second quest to the player. The second path will deny the player the second quest, but open an opportunity to a third. Subsequent rumors in Sadrith Mora will give an epilog to this second path. The third path may seem uneventful, but it is anything but that. After leaving Molag Mar, the player will learn about Geel's plan and Molag Mar's fate.

*A Bad Bet

Quest offered by Tovas Verelnim (located in the Molag Mar Waistworks). This quest is only available if the player has already completed [i]**Combat Arena[/i] to Tovas Verelnim's satisfaction. Speak with him on the topic 'combat arena' (previously introduced). Gelephon is located in the lower level of St. Veloth's Hostel in Mar Gan. There are multiple pathways to completing the quest.

*Freeing Tovas Verelnim's Slaves

Quest is a continuation of A Combat Arena in Molag Mar if the player decided to assist Geel. To free Tovas Verelnim's slaves the player must free his Breton slave Rochelle - the key is in Tovas Verelnim's possession. This almost certainly requires the later's death - problematic for Redoran players.

House Redoran Quests

These quests are available to Redoran players only except were specified for members of the Temple.

*House Redoran: Ebony Trade

This quest cast in three parts that are interrupted by other quests.

Quest offered by Llerar Mandas (located in Grand Council Chambers at Ebonheart). Speak with him on the topic '1000-drake donation' (linked through the topic 'duties'). The first part is immediately available. It is a timed quest. The second part is available after the player has completed House Redoran: Redoran Justice for a Traitor. Speak with Llerar Mandas on the topic 'ebony trade'. The third and final part is available after the player has completed House Redoran: Delivering a Letter to Athyn Sarethi. The last part is the most complex taking the player ultimately to Ramimilk Shrine just west of Sudanit Mine. Sudanit Mine is located almost equidistant between Fort Buckmoth and Ghostgate off a spur south of the main path between those two settlements. Mind the clues available in Ramimilk.

*House Redoran: A Challenge from the Imperial Legion

This quest is linked with A Contest of Honor. It is really just one quest that begins here. It is not available to players that are also members of the Imperial Legion.

Quest offered by Llerar Mandas (located in Grand Council Chambers at Ebonheart). Speak with him on the topic 'legion challenge' (linked through the topic 'duties'). The quest is available after the player has completed the first part of House Redoran: Ebony Trade. He directs you to Frald the White (located in Hawkmoth Legion Garrison at Ebonheart). The topic 'legion challenge' advances the quest.

*House Redoran: A Contest of Honor

This quest is linked with A Challenge from the Imperial Legion. This is a continuation of the quest. It is not available to players that are also members of the Imperial Legion.

Quest offered by Sirollus Saccus. Speak with him on the topic 'challenge of honor' (linked from his greeting). This is a timed quest so do not tarry. Do the right thing!

*House Redoran: Rescuing an Imperial Knight

This quest is not available to players that are also members of the Imperial Legion.

Quest offered by Llerar Mandas (located in Grand Council Chambers at Ebonheart). Speak with him on the topic 'Joncis Dalomax' (linked through the topic 'duties'). The quest is available after the player has completed the second part of House Redoran: Ebony Trade. It is a straight-forward, albeit timed, quest. Joncis Dalomax is located in Ashurnibibi, northwest of Hla Oad.

*House Redoran: Delivering a Letter to Athyn Sarethi

Quest offered by Llerar Mandas (located in Grand Council Chambers at Ebonheart). Speak with him on the topic 'letter from Llerar' (linked through the topic 'duties'). The quest is available after the player has completed House Redoran: Rescuing an Imperial Knight, or if the player is also in the Imperial Legion, the second part of House Redoran: Ebony Trade. It is just a simple courier quest - no time limit.

*House Redoran: Redoran Justice for a Traitor

Quest offered by Llerar Mandas (located in Grand Council Chambers at Ebonheart). Speak with him on the topic 'Thal the Stern' (linked through the topic 'duties'). The quest is available after the player has completed House Redoran: A Challenge from the Imperial Legion, or if the player is also in the Imperial Legion, the first part of House Redoran: Ebony Trade. There are a few ways to provoke a fight, but who draws blood first determines if any laws are broken.

*House Redoran: Anumidium Plans

This quest is not available to players that are also members of the Imperial Legion.

Quest offered by Llerar Mandas (located in Grand Council Chambers at Ebonheart). Speak with him on the topic 'Anumidium' (linked through the topic 'duties'). The quest is available after the player has completed the third (final) part of House Redoran: Ebony Trade. It may be best to leave this quest open until circumstances favor you. A copy of the plans is found in Tel Vos (but you cannot acquire them legally). Another copy has been placed in Kagrenac's Library at Tureynulal (Red Mountain). Speak with savant to get a short list of Dwemer experts. If you have advanced the main quest far enough you will recall another Dwemer expert than no one else mentions.

*House Redoran: A Missing Courier

Quest offered by Fonas Retheran (located in Tower of Dusk at Ghostgate). Introduced through greetings from Redoran NPCs at Ghostgate, or Fonas Retheran directly. Speak with the latter on the topic 'missiing courier' (linked through the topic 'duties'). Lunia Palenix can be found east of Sudanit Mine (between Ald'ruhn and Ghostgate) just off the side of the path. She indicates the direction taken by her attackers.

*House Redoran: A Lost Sister

Quest offered by Elvas Savel (located in Redoran Stronghold of Molag Mar). Speak with him on the topic 'duties'. He will direct you to Adil Raviro. The latter is a generic guard in Saetring the Nord's store so his name will not be shown. The topic 'lost sister' advances the quest. Player must be at least sixth level before quest is available.

*House Redoran: Telvanni 'Pilgrims'

Quest offered by Elvas Savel (located in Redoran Stronghold at Molag Mar). Speak with him on the topic 'Mababi' (linked through the topic 'duties'). Player must have successfully completed House Redoran: A Lost Sister before quest is available. The slave Usheeja can help you deal with Reron Rinith.

*House Redoran: Cleansing a Blighted Eggmine

Quest offered by Saryn Sarothil (located in the Outpost at Maar Gan). Speak with him on the topic 'Hairat-Vassamsi' (linked through the topic 'duties'). Player must be at least sixth level before this quest is available, maybe more - the mutant queen is bad-ass. Player must kill all (nine) other diseased kwama in Hairat-Vassamsi Egg Mine, before the journal is updated and the quest can be completed.

*House Redoran: Growing a Healthy Queen

Quest offered by Saryn Sarothil (located in the Outpost at Maar Gan). Speak with him on the topic 'queen eggs' and later 'speed the growth' (linked through the topic 'Hairat-Vassamsi'). Available after the player has completed House Redoran: Cleansing a Blighted Eggmine. Cast in two parts, the first part has a new venue Punad just south of Khuul. Temple priests will provide a scroll that will allow the player to pass the barrier. Edwinna Elbert in the Guild of Mages at Ald'ruhn will help complete the quest. A timer will notify the player when the mine is active again.

*House Redoran: A False Incarnate in Marandus

Quest offered by Lloros Sarano. Introduced through greetings from Redoran NPCs in Ald'ruhn. Speak with Lloros Sarano on the topic 'false incarnate'. The quest is available to Oathman rank or higher after the player has completed either Gra-Muzgob Informant (main quest) or Temple: False Incarnate, but only if Sodres Nerethi is still among the living. There is not much to resolving the quest honorably. It is mostly to set up later events involving Sodres Nerethi. Marandus is located on the south shore of Lake Nabia.

*House Redoran: Rebels in Marandus

Quest offered by Bolvyn Vemin. Introduced through greetings with Redoran NPCs, but not before the player has completed House Redoran: The Mad Lord of Milk. Athyn Sarethi offers sound advice for an honorable resolution of this quest. Marandus is located on the south shore of Lake Nabia.

*Proving Myself in Marandus

Quest offered by Sodres Nerethi. Speak with him on the topic 'proven' (linked through the topic 'Marandus'). The quest is available while the player waits for Nerethi to write his letter for House Redoran: Rebels in Marandus. Speak with Tanel Faren for an epilog to this quest.

*Supplies for Marandus

This consists of four sub-quests that can be completed simultaneously.

Quest offered by Sodres Nerethi. Speak with him on the topic 'need some supplies' (linked through the topic 'Marandus'). The quest is available after the player has completed Proving Myself in Marandus and while House Redoran: Rebels in Marandus may still be active. One of the four sub-quests will not be available if the player has killed Virvyn Athren.

*A Trade Route to Marandus

Quest offered by Sodres Nerethi. Speak with him on the topic 'need some supplies' (linked through the topic 'Marandus' or from his greeting). The quest is available after the player has completed Supplies for Marandus. It is fun to shop around at the various suggested locations, but ultimately the player will turn to Alds Baro in the Outpost at Maar Gan. If the Redoran stronghold is complete, Lliros Tules at Indarys Manor will help, and if Bolvyn Venim is dead Malpenix Blonia in the Redoran Council Hall at Ald'ruhn will cooperate.

*A Counterattack in Marandus

Quest offered by Sodres Nerethi. Speak with him on the topic 'counterattack' (linked through his greeting). The quest is available after the player has completed A Trade Route to Marandus. If the player declines, he/she can change his/her mind, but do not wait too long, the time to attack is now! The directions to Piran work but it is located due west of Mababi (perhaps the player has been there?). The final battle is a little tougher now that a new interior for Piran Caverns was created.

*A Little Sister's Worry

Quest offered by Taluro Athren (located in Tower of Dusk at Ghostgate). Speak with her on the topic 'Vivryn' (linked through the topic 'Andasreth, linked from her greeting). The quest is available after the player has completed House Redoran: Recover Shields from Andasreth - this triggers the greeting that gets things rolling. It is not much of quest. The player has to make a few trips between Ghostgate and Marandus. Her fears are assuaged when House Redoran: Rebels in Marandus is honorably concluded or Bolvyn Venim is dead (many good things happen when he dies).

*House Redoran: Felsen Sethandus

Quest offered by Neminda. This quest is delayed a couple days after the completion of House Redoran: Founder's Helm to make it feel more spontaneous. It will be introduced through greeting from Neminda. It is a very tightly timed quest. Once the player exits Skal, he/she will have to search quickly. There is time enough to speak with the silt strider operator and the guild guide if the player runs.

*A Blood Price

Quest offered by Hleras Sethandus (located in Sarethi Guard Quarters in Ald'ruhn). Speak with him on the topic 'Felsen Sethandus'. Tthis quest follows on the heals of House Redoran: Felsen Sethandus providing you recovered the helm of the aforementioned. Consider carefully the honorable course of action, and do not be reluctant to solicit advice from your sponsor.

*Corprus in Silt Striders

Quest offered by Miner Arobar. Introduced through greeting with Katariah Ramoran (located in Thongar's Tradehouse at Khuul) or speak with Minor Arobar on the topic 'corprus in silt striders' (linked from his greeting). Player must have completed House Redoran: Rescue Varvur Sarethi, and have not killed either Divayth Fyr, Seldus Nerendus or Yakin Baal. Do not lose the potion! (Happily it is not possible to drink it).

*A Weak Son to a Strong Father

Quest offered by Athyn Sarethi. Introduced through greeting, speak with him on the topic 'Varvur'. Available after the completion of House Redoran: Clear Varvur Sarethi's Name. Varvur Sarethi will be away for 8 to 10 days before the player is advised he has return.

*The Family that Smuggles Together...

Quest offered by Athyn Sarethi. Speak with him on the topic 'Shurinbaal' - providing the player finds a note on one of the smugglers in Shurinbaal. This is an extension of that official quest. There are multiple pathways to success and failure. The dialog and journal give sufficient clues to solve the mystery so read closely.

*The Cult of Lord Irarak

This quest is also available to players belonging to the Temple and not House Redoran.

Quest offered by Hetman Abelmawia. Speak with him on the topic 'Lord Irarak' (linked from the topic 'taxes from Gnisis'). If the player is at least sixth level, has not already killed Irarak and is not a vampire, this quest may be offered while House Redoran: Taxes from Gnisis is still in progress. Also offered by Mehra Drora. Speak with her on the topic 'duties', if the player belongs to the Temple and has satisfied the conditions specified earlier. Speaking with residents of Gnisis will eventually direct the player to Ginith Ancestral Tomb, northwest of Gnisis. Intentionally or accidentally striking one of Irarak's followers will result in a bloodbath so be careful.

*A Cult of Lost Souls

This quest is also available to players belonging to the Temple and not House Redoran.

Quest offered by Mehra Drora. Introduced through greeting or speak with her on the topic 'Lord Irarak'. The player must be at least sixth level, has not already killed Irarak and is not a vampire. This quest is concurrent with The Cult of Lord Irarak. Intentionally or accidentally striking one of Irarak's followers will result in a bloodbath, and the loss of Sarvil Yahez in particular, so be careful.

*The Boy Who would be Undead

Quest offered by Fathasa Llethri (located in Llethri manor at Ald'ruhn). Introduced through greetings from Redoran NPCs in Ald'ruhn. Speak with her on the topic 'because of my son', the quest is advanced through the topic 'convince my son'. Player must be at least twelfth level before this quest is available. If the player has killed either Ano Vando or Merta, or is a vampire this quest will not be offered. Merta's amulet is essential for completing the quest.

*The Faithless Lover

Quest offered by Nartise Arobar (located in Arobar Manor). Introduced through greetings with residents of Ald'ruhn. Speak with Nartise Arobar on the topic 'faithless lover' (linked through her greeting). Available after the player rescues her in House Redoran: Minor Arobar's Support. It is difficult to see the proper resolution - think like a Redoran instead of a lover.

*My Brother's Keeper

Minor side-quest stemming from House Redoran: Mission to Morvayn Manor. Triggered automatically while player is 'cleaning' Morvayn Manor.

*House Redoran: Making Amends

Quest offered by Neminda (player rank Kinsman or lower) or Athyn Sarethi (any rank). Speak with either on the topic 'make amends'. Available only after the player has been expelled from House Redoran (that can happen in Pax Redoran). This is House Redoran - the player is not getting off that easy. Nothing will happen until at least five days have passed. If the player is wandering the West Gash (not in a settlement) during the daylight hours, a body should appear off the side of the path ahead. Read the book, read the discovered letter, and do the right thing - House Redoran is watching. You will need either the book or letter (the ring and shield would be good too).

Redoran Archmaster Quests

These quests are only available to Redoran players after attaining the rank of Archmaster.

*House Redoran: The Belt of the Archmaster

Quest offered by Athyn Sarethi. Speak with him on the topic 'Belt of the Archmaster' (linked from the topic 'advancement' or from greeting). This is available immediately after the player has been elevated to Archmaster or through the topic 'advancement' after defeating Bolvyn Venim. Speak with savants to learn the identity of the crime solver Erer Darothril (located in Dirty Muriel's Cornerclub at Sadrith Mora). Do not kill the cattle in Sarethi Ancestral Tomb. You must speak with her to receive the next clue.

*Redoran Council Business: Athyn Sarethi

There are four sub-quests for the other four Redoran councilors. All five work together as a single quest.

Quest offered by Athyn Sarethi. Speak with him on the topic 'Council business' (linked from his greeting after the completion of House Redoran: The Belt of the Archmaster. There are multiple pathways to completing quest. You are the Archmaster so you can have it any way you want. Other NPCs will have opinions about the proposals, and if first reject a proposal you can later change your mind.

*Help From Her Husband's Slayer

This quest is available to the Redoran player after the elevation to Archmaster or to any other player after being named Redoran Hortator. It will not be offered if the player has already killed Goris, the Maggot King.

Quest offered by Dilvene Venim. Introduced through greetings from Redoran NPCs. Speak with her on the topic 'needs your assistance' (linked through the topic 'slayer of my husband'). Available after the player has completed Redoran Council Business: Athyn Sarethi, and if the player has not already killed Goris the Maggot King. Savants and scouts will help the player locate each of the tombs involved in this quest.

*House Redoran: Mages Guild Monopoly

Quest offered by Llerar Mandas (located in Grand Council Chambers at Ebonheart). Introduced through greetings with Redoran NPCs. Speak with Llerar Mandas on the topic 'Mages Guild monopoly' (linked through his greeting). Available after the player has completed Help From Her Husband's Slayer. Talk to people, make a decision - you are Archmaster, after all.

*A Morag Tong Writ on Me

Quest offered by Tralen Maladas. Introduced through her unprovoked attack on the player outside the Grand Council Chambers at Ebonheart. This is available after the player has begun House Redoran: Mages Guild Monopoly. Speak with guards and Llerar Mandas for direction.

*The Kidnapping of Ilmeni Dren

Quest offered (indirectly) by Vedam Dren. Triggered after the player reads the note that the Duke slips in with the letter from the Emperor. Therefore this quest is not available until after the player has completed House Redoran: Mages Guild Monopoly. The quest may be completed successfully by either ordering a Redoran assault force or traveling to Uvirith's Grave him/herself. If the player has not already attacked Tel Uvirith, the official Redoran quest will not be offered.

*House Redoran: An Archmaster's Justice

Quest offered by Faral Retheran. Introduced through greetings from Redoran NPCs. Speak with her on the topic 'Felsen Sethandus'. Available after the player has completed both House Redoran: Mages Guild Monopoly and A Morag Tong Writ on Me. This quest has multiple pathways to success and relative success. Do not be quick to judge - speak with people. Don't worry if Rethan Manor has already been cleared out - we've re-stocked it! If the player has not already attacked Rethan Manor, the official Redoran quest will not be offered.

Hortator Quests

*Help From Her Husband's Slayer

This quest is available to the Redoran player after the elevation to Archmaster or to any other player after being named Redoran Hortator. It will not be offered if the player has already killed Goris, the Maggot King.

Quest offered by Dilvene Venim. Introduced through greetings from Redoran NPCs. Speak with her on the topic 'needs your assistance' (linked through the topic 'slayer of my husband'). Available after the player has been named Redoran Hortator, and if the player has not already killed Goris the Maggot King. Savants and scouts will help the player locate each of the tombs involved in this quest.

*Hlaalu Hortator: Ashlander Ebony

Not available to Hlaalu players.

Quest offered by Crassius Curio. Speak with him on the topic 'Hlaalu Hortator' (he will attempt to turn the subject ;) ). The Ashlander Ashibaal will respond to reason.

*Hlaalu Hortator: Bero Support

Not available to Hlaalu players.

Quest offered by Dram Bero. Speak with him on the topic 'Hlaalu Hortator'. Either knock out or significantly wound Bero's champion, Garding the Bold.

*Hlaalu Hortator: Velanda Omani Support

Not available to Hlaalu players or to members of the Imperial Cult.

Quest offered by Velanda Omani. Speak with her on the topic 'Hlaalu Hortator'. This path to Hlaalu Hortator is only possible if player has Orvas Dren's support (and he still lives). Okur must live as well.

*Hlaalu Hortator: Nevena Ules Support

Not available to Hlaalu players.

Quest offered by Nevena. Speak with her on the topic 'Hlaalu Hortator'. This path to Hlaalu Hortator is only possible if player has Orvas Dren's support (and he still lives). Telura Ulver must live as well. Shal is located on an island northwest of Hla Oad.

*Hlaalu Hortator: Exterminator

Not available to Hlaalu players.

Quest offered by Yngling Half-Troll. Speak with him on the topic 'Hlaalu Hortator'. Mind what you swing at.

*Telvanni Hortator: Odirniran

Not available to Telvanni players.

Quest offered by Master Aryon. Speak with him on the topic 'Telvanni Hortator'. There are multiple solutions to this one. With House Telvanni, it is a means to an end - there are no wrong choices. Odirniran is located south of Nchurdamz and west of the Shrine of Azura.

Nerevarine Quests

...For lack of a better name. These are available to all players at some point along the path of the main Morrowind quest-line.

*Banning Ash Statues in Vvardenfell

Quest offered by Nibani Maesa. Speak with her on the topic 'ban ash statues' (linked from the topic 'Seven Trials'). Available after the player has completed The Path of the Incarnate. The player must convince all three Great Houses, the Temple and the Imperials to ban ash statues before this quest is closed.

*House Hlaalu: Banning Ash Statues

Quest offered by Crassius Curio. Speak with him on the topic 'ban ash statues'. Speaking with other Hlaalu NPCs on the same topic will direct the player to the Hlaalu Council. Mention the topic 'ash statue' with Velfred the Outlaw (located southwest of Hla Oad along the coast), and he will do the rest. Curio's logic is undeniable.

*House Redoran: Banning Ash Statues

Quest offered by Athyn Sarethi. Speak with him on the topic 'ban ash statues'. Speaking with other Redoran NPCs on the same topic will direct the player to the Redoran Council. So long as Bolvyn Venim lives, House Redoran will not ban the statues. Just wait for events to unfold naturally. Since you have likely rescued his son House Redoran: Rescue Varvur Sarethi, the councilor will be obliging.

*House Telvanni: Banning Ash Statues

Quest offered by Master Aryon. Speak with him on the topic 'ban ash statues'. Speaking with other Telvanni NPCs on the same topic will direct the player to the Telvanni Council. All with refer the player to Archmagister Gothren who will not make a decision. So long as Gothren lives, House Telvanni will not ban the statues. Just wait for events to unfold naturally then speak with Aryon again. Killing Dagoth Mosnam is the proof he requires. Sanit is located west-northwest of Tel Vos.

*The Temple: Banning Ash Statues

Quest offered by Berel Sala. Speak with him on the topic 'ban ash statues'. Speak with other Temple NPCs on the same topic will direct the player to either Berel Sala or Tholyer Saryoni. Neither will do anything until the player is recognized by Vivec as Nerevarine by completing Hortator and Nerevarine. If the player is Patriarch of the Temple the matter is quickly settled.

*The Empire: Banning Ash Statues

Quest offered by Vedam Dren. Speak with him on the topic 'ban ash statues'. He will not act until after all three Great Houses and the Temple has agreed to ban ash statues. His reasoning is sound. Should the Duke expire before the quest is completed, speaking with the player's Great House Grand Council Member will close the quest

*Controlling the Ordinators

Not available to Hlaalu players.

Quest offered by Vedam Dren. Speak with him on the topic 'control the Ordinators' (linked through the topic 'business' from his greeting). Berel Sala is uncooperative, but the Patriarch Tholyer Saryoni will work on him after the player recovers the Robe of St. Roris from Assemanu. The topic 'Ordinators have failed advance the quest with Saryoni.


These are events that occur in the wake of the player's actions, but otherwise do not require the player actively pursuing a quest.

*Great House Redoran

This merely documents the player's rise in House Redoran.

*House Redoran: Faction Memberships

Offered by Neminda. This merely documents House Redoran's attitude about the Redoran player's membership in other factions - some important cautions.

*The Seven Virtues of House Redoran

Offered by Neminda. Speak with her on the topic 'seven virtues' (linked through the topic 'advancement', and perhaps others). This merely documents House Redoran's values.

*Tribunal Temple

This merely documents the player's rise in the Temple.

*A new owner of Drinar Varyon's House

This occurs several days after the completion of any one of the following quests: The Family that Smuggles Together... , Imperial Legion: Dwemer Artifacts at Drinar Varyon's Place, or House Hlaalu: Shipment of Ebony. Ald'ruhn residents will speak of it through the topic 'latest rumors' to trigger the change of ownership.

*House Redoran: Ald'ruhn Guest House

This occurs shortly after the completion of House Redoran: Ash Statue. Ald'ruhn residents will speak of it through the topic 'latest rumors' to trigger the change. Speak with Neminda to receive a key to the guest house.

*House Redoran: Ald'ruhn Guest Quarters

This occurs eight to ten days after the completion of House Redoran: Mission to Morvayn Manor. Ald'ruhn residents will speak of it through the topic 'latest rumors' to trigger the return of Brara Morvayn to her manor. Speak with Neminda to learn more about the guest quarters.

*House Redoran: Home in Morvayn Manor

This occurs eight to ten days after the completion of House Redoran: Mission to Morvayn Manor. Ald'ruhn residents will speak of it through the topic 'latest rumors' to trigger the return of Brara Morvayn to her manor.

*House Redoran: Advice to a Councilor

This consists of ten separate journals, but most have the same name.

This occurs after the player has become Redoran Councilor. The topic 'troubles for House Redoran' is introduced by Athyn Sarethi through the topic 'advancement'. Except for two these are merely records of the concerns in various Reodran settlements. Most foretell of the Redoran Council Business that will face the player as Archmaster. House Redoran: A Request from Ald Velothi and House Redoran: A Request from Gnisis require a little attention by the player. Speak with the governing councilor to these towns to advance the quest.

*A Lost Buoyant Armiger

This occurs while the player is completing House Redoran: Slay Dagoth Tanis. The player is advised to speak with Missun Akin upon arriving at Falasmaryon and he/she is likely to find the remains of Irer Nervion during the completion of the quest.

*A Lady in Trouble

This occurs in the wake of Help From Her Husband's Slayer if the player finds Bolvyn Venim's confession on the body of Luven in the Venim Ancestral Tomb. Dilvene Venim will point the player to Nalvyna Sarinith. If disposition is very high she will reveal her secret through the topic 'little advice'. Venim's note is necessary to get to the denouement. A later visit to the Redoran Vaults in Vivec will settle the matter.

*A Twisted Sister

This occurs if the player greets Sodres Nerethi in Marandus with the skull he/she discovered in Lorurmend's possession when performing House Redoran: The Belt of the Archmaster. What are the chances of that happening? Perhaps they are higher now.

*The Amulet of Usheeja

This is another long shot. The player has to have discovered Usheeja's amulet behind a couple locked doors in the Tower of Dusk at Ghostgate, and just just happens to have it in his/her possession when he/she meets Usheeja while performing House Redoran: Telvanni 'Pilgrims'. It is worth trying for the warm, fuzzy feeling.

*Garisa Llethri and the Death of Bolvyn Venim

This occurs after the death of the former Archmaster.

*A Letter from the Emperor

This occurs after the player makes a decision about to vote on the proposal involving the Mages Guild monopoly. Llerar Mandas informs the player that the Duke Dren wishes to see him, and introduces the topic 'letter from the emperor'. Vedam Dren introduces the topic in his greeting to the player. The letter is presented to the player through the new topic.

*An Imperial Patent of Nobility

This occurs after the completion of The Kidnapping of Ilmeni Dren. Vedam Dren introduces the topic 'patent of nobility' through the topic 'rescue Ilmeni Dren'. It will take three weeks before the patent of nobility is awarded. A journal update reminds the player to be met in Ald'ruhn.

*Restless Nights

Having difficulty sleeping, fitful rest and other symptoms of soul sickness? This is triggered by sleeping in the presence of ash statues either in the player's inventory or in the same interior cell as a statue. The cure is to rest outside of those special circumstances. But the recovery will be slower than in version 1.00 - a little each time the player rests per day. The statues lose their effect after the defeat of Dagoth Ur.