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Mysticism potions provide beneficial magical effects from the Arcane College of Mysticism. Mysticism potions include: spell absorption, reflect, dispel, and telekinesis. Telekinesis is great for practical jokes. Oh, and I guess for opening trapped doors and chests.

Uvele Berendas, Indarys Manor

LGNPC Indarys Manor Walkthrough

Hovering the mouse over the blank area below each quest name will reveal details to aid the completion of the quest.

Select quest from the alphabetical list or browse the page's contents.

Counterfeit Sload?
Indarys Manor: Aryni and Arvs Raram
Indarys Manor: Assimusa and Viras Guls
Indarys Manor: Heniele and Uvele Berendas
Indarys Manor: Sharing a Bed
Indarys Manor: Soul Sickness
Indarys Manor: A Vampire Husband
Twin Lamps: A Recuit in Bal Isra


*Indarys Manor: Soul Sickness

Quest offered by Viras Guls through a greeting and advanced through the topic 'soul sickness'. It is available after the player has completed the official quests House Redoran: Clear Varvur Sarethi's Name and Sleepers Awake and either Indarys Manor: Aryni and Arvs Raram or Indarys Manor: Assimusa and Viras Guls is initiated. There is a one or two day delay as Viras Guls locates the source of the nightmares. He will give the player an ash statue that should be taken to Lloros Sorano at the Ald'ruhn Temple. The player can receive directions to Mamaea from either Garila Vedas (in Indarys Manor), Nuleno Tedas (in Maar Gan) or Hassour Zainsubani (in Ald'ruhn). The source of the dream sendings is found in Mamaea's Shrine of Pitted Dreams. Activate it to destroy it. Return to Viras Guls to close the quest and sleep peacefully.

*Indarys Manor: A Vampire Husband

Offered by Garila Vedas, initiated through the topic 'background' and advanced through the topic 'husband who vanished'. There is a couple day delay before the next stage in the quest is available. Garila Vedas will greet the player with news from a Redoran patrol. Rothan Ancestral Tomb is located west of Maar Gan. After the player destroys the vampire there return Garila Vedas' amulet to her to close the quest.

*Indarys Manor: Sharing a Bed

'Quest' offered by Galvene Othrobar. Introduced by the topic 'House Redoran' and advanced through the topic 'share a bed'. Attaining several different milestones makes the player bed-worthy: becoming House Father, Councilor and Archmaster, as well as defeating Dagoth Ur. Membership has its privileges.

*Indarys Manor: Aryni and Arvs Raram

Available only if the player convinces Aryni Orethi to move to Indarys Manor as a potential wife for the mer of the settlement.

Quest initiated by Aryni Orethi. Speak with her on the topic 'need wives' introduced through a greeting. Next speak with Arvs Raram on the topic 'need wives'. There will be a 21 day delay before the next stage of the quest will become active. Speak with either Aryni Orethi or Arvs Raram at that point.

*Indarys Manor: Heniele and Uvele Berendas

Quest initiated by Heniele Milielle. Speak with her on the topic 'need wives' introduced through a greeting. Next speak with Uvele Berendas on the topic 'need wives'. There will be a 14 day delay before the next stage of the quest will become active. Speak with either Heniele Milielle or Uvele Berendas at that point.

*Indarys Manor: Assimusa and Viras Guls

Available only if the player convinces Assimusa Samsi to move to Indarys Manor as a potential wife for the mer of the settlement.

Quest initiated by Assimusa Samsi. Speak with her on the topic 'need wives' introduced through a greeting. Next speak with Viras Guls on the topic 'need wives'. There will be a 30 day delay before the next stage of the quest will become active. Speak with either Assimusa Samsi or Viras Guls at that point.

*Counterfeit Sload?

Quest offered by Lliros Tures. Introduced through the topic 'my trade' leading through 'animal products' and advanced through the topic 'sload soap. After the matter is introduced, the quest is stalled until the quest Indarys Manor: Soul Sickness leads the player to Mamaea. There the player will discover the evident he/she requires on the remains of the Khajiit Bjusari in Mamaea's Shrine of Pitted Dreams. Speak with Lliros Tures later with the evidence in hand to close the quest.

*Twin Lamps: A Recuit in Bal Isra

Offered by Fathusa Girethi, initiated through a greeting and advanced through the topic 'Twin Lamps'. Not available until after the player has completed the official quest House Hlaalu: The Twin Lamps. Should the player agree to make Indarys Manor a waypoint on the underground railroad, there will be a delay of 7 days before the next stage of the quest. After that, Viras Guls will comment on the activities. Another 7 days must pass before Viras Guls will comment again. This sets the conditions for the quest. Fathusa Girethi will greet the player with an urgent plea to go to Assarnud and free the slaves there. Assarnud is a smugger's den east of Gnisis. After six slaves are freed the journal will update. Speak with Fathusa Girethi again to close the quest.