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That is very good of you. Should you acquire a lute don't come back here looking for me - there is no sense in that. If you provide a lute, those three upstairs will likely destroy it as well. I 'm headed to the Elven Nations Cornerclub in the Hlaalu Compound; that is where you will find me.

Felvos Droryn, Vivec, Foreign Quarter

The Foreign Quarter of Vivec had been a long time in development. It was started and halted, rekindled for a partial release. We are pleased to offer the completed canton with unique dialog, new services and special quests created by a very talented team of writers. Its offerings are extensive:

As always, use LGNPC mods passively and let events unfold naturally. Many factors shape how an NPC will respond on any given topic. Some things you cannot control such as your gender, race and faction affiliation, but check in on them from time to time. Our NPCs react to the changes that occur in the wake of your travels throughout Vvardenfell. We hope that we give you a reason to visit more than once.