Adds 9 new quests to Tel Uvirith and gives unique dialogue to most every topic
for 18 NPCs. As well as the Tel Uvirith NPCs, NPCs like Aryon and Divayth Fyr
have new, unique dialogue, so it is usable by non-Telvanni PCs as well.
The new quests include: Black soul gems, being challenged for Tel Uvirith,
Tel Uvirith mushrooms getting infected with the Blight, and 6 others.
When you reach Archmagister, you can have a new Brown Book published
in-game, listing you as Archmagister with your accomplishments. You might
also earn a title of Imperial nobility.
Get involved in Telvanni politics along with the anti-Empire Frathen Drothan
(the same as from Oblivion).
12 new books, including a new Brown Book for when you become Archmagister.