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It's not bad being a publican. I'm sure we all say this, but you meet all kinds of people and often find yourself in the most amazing situations. And all this, just by standing behind the counter. I know that in ten years from now I'll probably be tired of having done the same thing over and over again, serving both kind men and scum, listening to the same old stories... but until now, it is actually the diversity that has kept me going and I don't see that ending any time soon.
Thaeril, Tel Mora
Straight after Pelagiad's release, work started on Tel Mora, but as it always
happens, soon the project came to a halt, taking much longer than it needed,
but eventually it was finished, and here's what we have:
Completely unique dialogue for every topic for every NPC in Tel Mora, as
you must have known if you got this far.
Over a thousand responses taking more than 175 A4 pages.
A grumpy atmosphere, as you might expect from a lonely Telvanni town on a
wind-swept coast, illuminated only by the occasional madman, or should we
say, madwoman...
A dozen of quests, taking you as far as Ghostgate and into uncharted
waters. No unbalanced rewards.
Dratha got a special upgrade by John "The Wingless" Burnett, one of our
finest writers.
With LGNPC Tel Mora, you have the opportunity to meet a clever Bosmer spy,
Natesse, who may offer you one of the most well-designed quests, providing
a myriad of choices. What's more, it hardly depends on your character's
level or skills.