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I am Fathusa Girethi... Now at least... My real name is Peliah Dres Minegaur, daughter of Serjo Dres Minegaur, who was one of the most well-known slavers in Tear, where we lived. I have always hated slavery, and at some point my father... has been killed... But who am I trying to fool! I killed him. Yes. But he deserved it more than anyone. Father or no, he was still a slaver, and an extremely cruel and greedy one.

Fathusa Girethi, Ald'ruhn

LGNPC Ald'ruhn is the biggest mod we've released to date, and probably the biggest we will ever release. It adds over 30 new quests to Ald'ruhn, and gives unique dialogue to every NPC about every topic. Some highlights include: